Friday, July 31, 2009
This sums it up!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Treasures Thursday
Next is a vase/urn $3.00, a small lamp for my desk $3.00, a dish that I plan on using to hold my rings at the kitchen sink $1.50, the other dish (with stars on it) actually has santa claus on the other end of it (sorry horrible photo) $2.00 and the gold pillar $2.00. Bringing the grand total for this trip to $11.50.
Here's a better photo of the Pillar. I have since used Heirloom White spray paint and it has founds it's home on my desk beneath the $3.00 lamp mentioned above. Went back to the thrift store and found a black lamp shade (i'll post photo's later)
Although I LOVE every special Treasure that comes home with me, I think this next one was my favorite!!! I've been wanting to create a back yard bar-b-que since we bought this home. In our last home we were lucky enough to be able to put in a custom bar-b-que island (it was gorgeous) but in the new home, well by the time we were sort of finished with the inside there wasn't/isn't enough for the outside. It's ok though cause it has given me the opportunity to be even more creative.
I plan on making my own custom outdoor kitchen using this island. I found it for $25.00. I'll be sure to repost photos of our back yard paradise (0n a budget) once I finish!!! Hope you enjoyed Treaures Thursday!!! I think it might be the first of many!! ;)
GIVE AWAY on Lemonade Makin' Mama's blog!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Accidental Recycler....
I still want to put up a flower box and a few more accents out front but I think these shutters have really helped with the curb appeal. This is how I became the "accidental recycler"
Monday, July 27, 2009
Zizzazz- a better alternative....
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sidewalk Sunday
To This:
Of course it wouldn't have happened with out a whole lot of this:
There's something to be said about a man who would risk heat stroke for his wife!!!
Now one of the drawers was missing but that didn't bother me. I planned on using this in our game room and I wanted the top 2 drawers to be replaced by a shelf to house all of the xbox, play station, Wii blah blah blah. The hubby is making the shelf for me now so I'll be sure to re post photo's once it's completely done and found it's final home. Oh yeah by the way, the hubby's exact words right after the project was done "I'll NEVER doubt you again!"
PAINT $11 (all other supplies left over from previous projects )
Monday, July 20, 2009
Following in her foot steps....
Congrats to her!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Day 5 of Tracy Porter Tribute!!
Tracy Porter Video: In recognition of all magpies… a jewelry drawer reorganization
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Looking for an original gift for a friend?
Day 2 of my Tracy Porter Tribute
Tracy Porter Be Extraordinary Video: Giving of Yourself!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Displaying photos in a different way..
First up is a bowl I found while out "Thrifting." While we were in Coronado the other day I scooped some sand into our empty water bottle container and had the kids grab a couple shells. When I got home I printed out my 2 favorite photos from that day. Then I poured the sand into the bowl, placed the to 2 photos and added a couple of the shells. It makes for a much more interesting way to display the "Treasures" from that day.
If you use your imagination you could make the contents of the bowl suit any theme. Just take a look at the photos you want to display and then place items that pertain to it in the bowl. It's that simple! For instance you could do this with your child's little league pictures. Just switch out the sand for some "infield dirt" and instead of the shells use a baseball. For the princess of the house you could use part of an old princess dress in place of the sand, a picture of her and a small tiara holding the picture up. For a baby you could use a piece of a favorite blanket along with a pacifier. Are you getting the picture? With a little thought you could do this with ANYTHING!!
Next I have a wrought iron piece left over from our gate. Here I just took clothes pins and simply pinned some post cards from our trips to Canada and my mothers trip to Italy. You could do the same with photos. You could take this a step further and paint the clothes pins with chalk board paint and write a little message on each one. (this idea I saw on another blog- they used it in a garden area, the clothes pins said the date when the seeds were planted)
These are just a couple of ideas in a truely endless sea of possibilities!! I'll hunt the internet and post more for inspiration but at least this will give you a start in a unique way of displaying photos!!
Tracy Porter Be Extraordinary Video: Focus on the POSITIVE!
Tracy Porter Be Extraordinary Video: Focus on the POSITIVE!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Coronado Fun
My husband had a meeting with his business partner, in Coronado (San Diego) Ca.- rough place for a meeting ;) So we decided to load up the kiddos and head to the beach afterwards. This was a BEAUTIFUL beach with a huge grassy park area and tons of gorgeous homes right next to the military base.
We stopped by to pick up some friends who are lucky enough to live on the "island" and headed over to this gorgeous beach.
My son, not sure what he is pondering at this moment?
My daughter completely unaware of what is about to happen,
WIPE OUT! Don't worry she's fine! ;)
This was my view right before I decided, they were safe with daddy so I can close my eyes and relax when all of the sudden-
This literally flew right over the top of me so close I could see all the parts on the bottom of the plane- I thought it was about to crash land into the beach right next to me. It was soon and I mean VERY soon followed by this,
and then this,
I started to feel like I was in some old war movie. The kids of course thought this was FANTASTIC- their own personal air show while at the beach. The novelty for me wore of very quickly though. I didn't realize that we were right next to the landing strip and well I can only equate it to laying out on the tarmack at LAX! Our friends thought it was hilarious how startled I'd get every time one of these LOUD things would fly right over the top of us. I asked "how long does it take to get used to this?" I couldn't imagine the daily combo of the tranquilty of the ocean followed by bombers taking off and landing every 10 minutes all hours of the day and night??? She told me "you learn to talk right over the top of it" to which I replied "huh?" (get it? the plane, talk over it- never mind!) Anyhow, here's a little interesting fact- If you happen to be lucky enough to be a millionaire and want to buy one of these homes you have to first sign a waiver saying that you understand that you are living in a "crash zone" and there's always "the possibility of a bombing". STEEP prices!! If you can get past all that- it really is a BEAUTIFUL place to be!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Inspired by Centsational Girl
Finally with a top coat of Heirloom White it has found it's place in my Master bathroom and is waiting for a few more treasures of it's own to hold.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Family, Fun and Fireworks
