I headed out this week to Goodwill for my usual treasure hunt. Usually while treasure hunting I stumble upon all sorts of goodies for the home. This time wasn't like the rest. The shelves were dull and lifeless. Nothing calling out to come home with me except this one lonely tea cup that I thought my Mom would appreciate.
I grabbed the cup and headed for the checkout. I was feeling like it wasn't a very successful trip, when I happened to turn and see the children's racks. They were overflowing with all sorts of clothes. I've never purchased children's clothes at Goodwill. I just never had the patience to search through everything. However today was different. With my new budget "constraints" and my recent trip to the vintage clothing show, I decided to give it a try. To say I hit the Jackpot would be an understatement! Not only did I find name brand, I found name brand in my daughters sizes!!
First there was Juicy!?!!
Limited Too
I couldn't believe the brand names or the shape they were in!?! Best of all was the price! I purchased all of these brands plus a couple others for a total of 7 articles of clothing (and don't forget the tea cup) for $22.00. $22.00!?!?!
These are all brands/stores that I've purchased from in the past. If she needed clothes, these are the brands we bought. Never mind the price tag. Of course after 2009 I'm not able to shop the way I used to and have to make sure my dollar stretches as far as it can. Well, with an original total of approximately $230.00 give or take a few, I'm more than happy with the over $200.00 savings on this treasure hunt!
Have you been to your local Goodwill lately?
we love thrift store scores. but you do need time to find the treasures!
Thanks for your encouragement. I looking forward to reading your blog.
Woo hoo. Score! I love to hear about bargains like that;-)
Great finds! Oh how I love the Goodwill.
I love the tea cup. Can I use it now?
HA! Sorry Mom- I've been meaning to bring it by! ;)
That's great! I love to find a good deal anywhere I can. The hunt is most of the fun for me.
You found great items. The tea cup is precious... let's have tea soon :)
happy weekend and Valentine's day,
Hey Angie...
I too love to go the Goodwill! I have found great stuff there in the past. It's fun to go hunting for things and find them at a bargain price.
Enjoying your blog!!
We just went to the next town over from us to pick up some chairs for a client and they had the nicest new goodwill. I was with my husband , do I have to say more... I will be going back. Thanks, it is good to know I am not alone with my feelings when I look at all the talent out there. I get like this about once a month...lol
That is awesome...the best deal I have ever found, was at a garage sell. I found a 90 dollar original step for 7 bucks...oh ya, good times!!!
Yours in Health, Robin
Oh my goodness that is wonderful!
You amaze me with your finds.
you find the best things, I really think honolulu limits us...take your findings on the road and come teach me.
Angie, I nominated you for a "beautiful blog" award! You can jump over to my blog to redeem or you can just know that you have a beautiful web site that I believe all women need to read!
Yours in Health, Robin
Great finds. That juicy jumper is so cute.
At Goodwill, the same type of thing happened to me... I turned around and they "hey, I've never looked through their clothes" (for me though, no kids). And what do yanno... I found a pair of Citizen of Humanity capri jeans that fit me like a glove for $6.50!
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