I'm also supposed to select 15 other blogs to pass it along to. Believe it or not, I found both of these very difficult to do. For starters, I spend so much time devoted to making sure my children are healthy, happy, well adjusted kids that I don't really spend anytime thinking about me. As for narrowing down my list of blogs to a mere 15 to pass this award to???
WOW- I'm so inspired by the blogs I follow. Each one of them affect me daily. Whether it's striving to be a better mother, sharing in their life struggles, diving in to those D.I.Y projects or listening to what they have to say about God. They stir something inside of me and that's the reason I follow them. I'm not one of those who follows you just to follow you in the hopes that more traffic will come my way. I follow because I care about what you have to share. So I think I might just pass on that portion of the award. Sorry Robin, I hope your ok with that. Who knows- maybe I'll start my own award and give it to each and every one of you.
Alright, here goes the 7....
1) I HATE change!
No not coins, I'm talking about the kind of change that sometimes happens and you have no control over it. The kind that makes things different. Yes, sometimes it's a good different but I still take entirely to long to warm up to it.
2) My dream job would be a Set Decorator
I can't even imagine how much fun I would have finding treasures to go along with what I felt the character would own.
3) I'm that lady.
You know the one that will talk to you while waiting in line. Yep- that's me!
4) I LOVE to travel but I have so much anxiety when it comes to packing.
My husband actually has to talk me through it.
5) I never remember names but I NEVER ever forget a face.
Especially when it comes to actors. It baffles my husband that I can recall who someone is, even if we haven't seen them act since they were a child.
6) Trying to list 7 things about myself has sparked an interest in more self exploration.
7) 15 years ago while at work, a co-worker and I entered into a bet. I don't remember what the bet was but I do remember that the loser had to ask the "new guy" out on a date. I lost the bet.
The "new guy" was my husband. Who knew losing a bet in my 20's would be the best thing that ever happened to me.
That is soo cute about the bet. What a wonderful "meeting story" you guys have. Its like a movie.
Thank you for your sweet comment. =)
And ask away whenever you feel the need. I love makeup questions.
LOVE the 7 things!
And aren't you glad you lost that bet??? :o)
I didn't know that is how you guys met.
Either way he is a gem and I love him as much as if he were my own.
I love this!!~ Really cute, and what a great way to meet your husband....you make such a cute couple!!~ I too get inspiration everywhere I look, even in the sky, I guess that must be our creative sides!!~
Ahhh! Of course I love seeing you and your hubby. So cute.
I'm starting to turn into "that" lady???? I have always been the keep to myself gal but since kids...well the world can't shut me up. :)
Such a great way to meet your husband. I was really touched by what you said about all the blogs you follow. That was inspiring in itself.
You and your guy make a handsome couple. I am betting you did not try too hard to win that bet... I'm that woman too, the one in line that will talk to strangers. Not long ago, I was buying some lamps at TJ maxx for a client that only needed the shades. I sold the lamps in line...lol Gave that woman a deal let me tell you...
Wow, love the photos! I am so happy that you lost that bet. as long as you are...smile!
I kind of lost a bet the day I met my husband too. He asked me out and being the young silly girl I was at the time...asked to see his drivers license to see if he was lying about his age (he was so much older, 13 years to be exact, but did not look it to me).
He said fine as long as I would go out with him the next day if he wasn't lying about his age...lol!
I haven't been able to get rid of him since...lol!!!
Thanks for sharing Angie, Robin
By the way my husband is of course one of the best things that has ever happen to me, my angel. I am so glad he never got rid me...smile! So far so good...
Yours in Health, Robin
well....i am not surprised by any of it,
your priorities.
you are the best gal.
you deserve the award.
Don't you loove the paint color on Morning T's wall?!?! I'm with you there. She commented to you, I'm not sure if you would ever look over those comments so I'm forwarding what she said about her wall paint.
"Angie- the paint color on the family room wall is a chocolate brown suede paint by Ralph Lauren"-Morning T
Congrats on your award and your #7 is too precious! The pics of you and your hubby are great.
Happy Friday and weekend Angie.
I just loved this post Ang...so much of your heart...thanks for sharing!
That is a really cute story! How funny! Great pics - you guys are cute couple!!!
My first visit! Love the crowns to the left and right. Nice meeting you and congrats on your award!!!
Awwww..look at yall two how cute!
Tell daughter that more pup pictures are coming soon...:)
xo Susie~
You are such a sweet soul. I got tears in my eyes when I read your 7 things. I loved learning more about you. Precious pictures of you and your hubby!
That was fun! Thank you for sharing! You two look good together! Best of luck-
that was super great about how you met your husband! fun story! I don't do well with change either.
Lovin your 7 things and well how you met your husband. Just sweetness.
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