I'll post them all!
Hopefully I don't loose you. Feel free to skip my words and only browse the photos. Frankly I'm amazed that anyone ever reads what i've written! ;)
Ok here we go.....
First I'll start with just a few of the previous treasures and show you where they ended up. Of course the ones I'm showing you required very little attention. It was either a quick wash and find a home or maybe the extra step of a quick coat of spray paint. Anything i've got that required more than that, well let's just say it's still collecting dust. One day I'll be efficient- maybe.
Remember the bright gold mini column? www.treasures.blogspot.com/2009_07_01_archive.html
Well here it is with a coat of Heirloom White ( I know, seems to be a favorite in blog land) It's much prettier in white! On top is a lamp and lamp shade that I found on two separate occassions at the Goodwill. Can you believe it? Lucked out that's for sure. You can also see the turquoise jar from my last Treasure Thursday post. Holding pens and pencils. LOVE it! If you can see the picture- don't be alarmed- that's just my crazy redheaded daughter. I can say that- I come from a VERY long line of red heads and they are ALL crazy! ;)
Here's the basket from my last post as well. Just dusted it off and threw in some fire wood. It fits right in on the fireplace hearth.
Do you remember the Tracy Porter inspired wall paper? Well, that didn't turn out well. So no photos to show here. Although I might post the comical story about that debacle another time.
Two things I can't resist, a candle holder or candle stick of any kind and pillows. Not sure why or how many one person should own but I rarely pass on either of them. This treasure I found quite a while ago. I thought it was unique. I know not the greatest picture but I'm TIRED! So i'm snapping and posting and not really worrying about the finished product as much as I should I guess. Anyhow you can see the unique candle holder below. Again, just dusted it off then added the candles and a plant. Not much to this one. This chair (should've done a sidewalk sunday post on this one) was given to me by the owner of a local vintage store. She was getting ready to throw it out. I have NO idea why?? So I took it home and you guessed it- dusted it off. I need to work on it a bit but it was useable for now so I put it in my entry way. A couple of yard sale books and a trivet from a previous Goodwill trip were just the steardiness needed for my candle/plant holder.
Please ignore the wall colors. For starters my photo's NEVER accurately depict the colors in my home and I'm not entirely happy with the way the bottom half of the wall turned out. I was going for more of a green turqoise. I have no idea what you call what I ended up with??
Here's a couple close up of the candle and chair....
Detail on the leg of the chair....
And the top....
A little bit of nail head trim and this chair is perfect in my opinion. It's even sturdy enough to use but I really love it in the entry way. So that's where it will stay for a while.
Now on to the new, well new to me. ;)
I've always been a fan of Bohemian decor. I love all the rich colors mixed together. How rich and comfortable an atmosphere it creates. Lately I've really been drawn to Buddha statues.
This first photo is of a Buddha I found at a consignment shop. He was $20 which might seem a bit pricey but I've seen this size for $50 and up so I was pleased to snatch him up for $20.
Next is a column I found (also at the consignment shop) for $10.00 LOVE IT!
Here's a close up...
Next are a few Treasures from The Goodwill.
First up is the vintage photo of the evening post. My Mother in law has two photos from this series in her home so I knew she'd love this one. These two cream towers would be great in a planter with Ivy. I also found a couple vintage ornaments and a dish. Close ups of these below.
This dish is beautiful. Not sure what I'm going to use it for but for $1.00 had to have it!
On this same trip I also came across this dish...
I'm thinking of either turning it into a candle base or simply plunking a plant down into it and use it as a Christmas gift. We'll see.
I also found this statue. In gold I think it's hideous! But I'll break out the Heirloom White again and transform this baby. Throw a votive or a succulent in the dish it's holding and it will be perfect!

I think I can manage to do that soon and re post photos for you! ;)
I also came across a couple of mirrors. I think I should revise my previous statement. I can almost never pass up a candle stick, pillow or a mirror. Yep, that's more accurate.

I'll leave the black mirror alone but the gold one will get a coat of paint. Just not sure what color yet.
I think I can manage to do that soon and re post photos for you! ;)
I also came across a couple of mirrors. I think I should revise my previous statement. I can almost never pass up a candle stick, pillow or a mirror. Yep, that's more accurate.
I'll leave the black mirror alone but the gold one will get a coat of paint. Just not sure what color yet.
On a recent trip to Home Goods I found this pillow for $20.00!!! I literally hugged it and then proceeded to bring it home!!

And last but CERTAINLY not least!!! Karyn from Compulsively Compiled sent me the most fantastic butterflies!! I've never been so excited to receive mail!!! Aren't these perfect??
Here's my Favorite one!!

I can't wait to use them in a project! I LOVE butterflies! Karyn, Thank you Thank you and Thank you again. I have them on my desk so that I can just look at them. Is it silly that they make me smile as much as they do??
And last but CERTAINLY not least!!! Karyn from Compulsively Compiled sent me the most fantastic butterflies!! I've never been so excited to receive mail!!! Aren't these perfect??
I can't wait to use them in a project! I LOVE butterflies! Karyn, Thank you Thank you and Thank you again. I have them on my desk so that I can just look at them. Is it silly that they make me smile as much as they do??
Alright ladies- That's it for this one. I know it was loooong. Hope you enjoyed!
Ok, I deleted the last comment because of a typo. :) You and me are on the same page with butterflies. I just made some baby onesies with butterflies on them. Go to the Graphics Fairy to find some beautiful prints. So, ya know how you were saying your pics never show the correct colors etc? Well I got a tip from someone to turn OFF my flash. If you have a fairly decent digital cam, even if it looks darker the pics look warmer and you won't have glare off of shiny stuff or overexposed brightenss which will make things look "off" color wise. Just a tip, take it or leave it. Glad you're back. That chair is beautiful. Love the legs and detail.
okay, what was the grand total? It couldn't have been much. You always put your finds to good use!
Those butterflies are divine!
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