It was day 13 yesterday and the day was fantastic. The only thing that would have made it perfect is if my son was home with us and it wasn't football sunday!!! The quote for day 13 is another great one....

I certainly have been guilty of not putting enough....

We saw who could swing the highest ;) We also swam a ton and lounged on the chairs talking and reading. Well I read, she....
Anyhow after her quick cat nap we made chocolate covered banannas, did a little more talking, reading and playing until we decided....
Ok so don't laugh. If you know me personally you know what a struggle it was to scrounge up the cooking supplies needed to do this. Turns out I don't have any metal cookie cutters and I don't have a pyrex measuring dish larger than 1 cup. So instead we improvised and used a pot cooler thingamigger to keep the pyrex above the water. Oh yeah it just came to me a Trivot right? And we made due with a smaller batch of candle wax. Anyhow it took a couple of go arounds be we finally did it.
We managed to get enough to make 2 candles.
My daughter had the brilliant idea of adding some of her shell collection to her candles.
Don't tell her but I think we did it a little to late. Oh well- she loves it -so who cares!
It certainly doesn't take effort to spend time with someone you love. But it's sometimes easy to get caught up with life and forget that all your relationships NEED your best EFFORT!
I wouldn't be honest if I didn't tell you that day 13 had a rough ending for the adults in the household. I think I might have been slightly cranky due to the football marathon. Anyhow to spare you the ugly details let's just say that throughout all of this I have learned to apologize when needed. Sounds like something that should be effortless right? Ya well It hasn't been one of my strong suits when it comes to my marriage. Horrible I know, but this story has a happy ending :) I said sorry for my outburst and he forgave me. All is well in the Treasures household once again.
Stop back by later to see how day 14 unfolds.
Whooo hoo! Hey, at least you made it girlfriend. All's well that ends well. I'm cheering you on!
sounds like a perfectly perfect day to me. How do the candles smell? Keep up the great work!
Okay....so we are too alike (Jake and the cat thingy) The candles turned out wonderfully! What a good "Christmas" (hint hint) gift those would make! I finally am in the system so I am not "anonymous" anymore! Keep up your good work, you are more than half way done!
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