I'm feeling a little behind the eight ball on this whole "Halloween" thing. It's a shame really because Halloween was always my favorite holiday for decorating and children's parties. I used to have an annual one that was a blast! Even if I do say so myself! And then....
It all started 2 years ago. We moved. We were leaving the only home my children had known. Our first home. Now, we were upgrading but I had a deep connection with our first home and it was REALLY hard to say goodbye. So I really wasn't all that interested in organizing while packing or having any kind of method for better unpacking when we arrived at the new home. Everything we didn't use on a daily basis found it's home in huge piles in the new garage where it sat for quite some time. We were in the new home in time for Christmas 2007. I scrounged thru a few boxes to put together a slightly less than acceptable decor. Once it was over all the stuff went back in an even less organized way then before with the hopes that I would organize soon. Then summer of 2008 came and some nice young men (I assume) decided to relieve us of ALL the things taking up space in both our automobiles. THANK YOU NICE YOUNG MEN!
Yes! we walked outside for the morning paper and wondered "What is that glittering in the sunlight all over the driveway?" "AHHH glass" They broke into both of our cars and took EVERYTHING and yes I do mean EVERYTHING. Sooooo to ensure we were not victims of this again we had to spend a small fortune to have the garage redone. Cabinets on both sides and attic storage space above. Now in a hurry to park the cars in the garage- the once jumbled unorganized boxes on the floor were now in an even bigger mess up above in the attic. So the Holidays of 2008 rolled around and once again the bar minimum was used. Now I swore that before 2009 I would ORGANIZE everything so that my children never had to suffer thru another less than stellar decorated Holiday. Which brings me to this first and second photo...
How sad is my display??? Can you tell that I NEVER made it up into the attic to organize?? I tell you if I could take Lulu's energy, Lissa's strength and determination and mix it together with Sasha's organizational skills my children would never have to suffer thru this embarrassing display of decorations again!!!! Out of literally 7 bins of just Halloween decor this is it. Talk about bare bones!!!
This guy is really cute though...
My great friend Marg's (a.k.a Marcie) mother made this for me. She does amazing work with gourds. And I had to show a close up of this one... I feel a little guilty saying the photo creeps me out. It's my husbands Grandfather when he was a boy. I don't know, it always feels halloween "ish" to me.
Besides the lack of decor, we have yet to pick out let alone purchase costumes. We have not visited the pumpkin patch and I have not purchased one single bag of candy!!! WHAT AM I DOING??? Uggghh here's to hoping that buy 2010 I've finally tackled the attic!
I think its because October snuck up, I swear it was just January, I just got used to writing 2009.
well...we're all gonna go to a pumpkin patch and we're having a thing at my church that we're gonna go to for Halloween...lots of candy and fun if you want to bring the kids and they can hang with their cousin...let me know!!
So bloody funny about the hubs grandpas picture. Classic. Old picture creep me out too.
Okay you needed to come over for soup today so we can discuss how fast the holidays are approaching and not ready! Thank you for your compliment about my energy... but i'm now not sure i deserve it cause I don't have costumes for my kiddos yet... they won't wear the old ones {drats} and i haven't bought halloween candy... don't want to tempt the kids from eating it... see i'm just like you... your comment about the photo cracked me up... LOL
we are not to late we have 2 weeks or something like that right... i better go find a calendar! ;)
The holidays are creeping in fast aren't they??? I love the picture of the side table with the lamp and ghost gourd and I really want to see more of where you have those curtains...the whole look is very TRACY!!!! I just bought a bunch of bags of nuts to decorate with in bowls with candles...that could be an easy way for you to add more Autumn!!! Have a great day!!!
Yea, I can't believe it's already October too! I think all old photos are kinda creepy, btw.
OK, it has taken me entirely TOO long to make it over here. That's what I get for reading all my comments through my email!.
But I'm completely with you on the decorating saga. I a few big bins of great decor, but because we just moved in and the walls are getting patched and aren't painted, it feels odd to try and decorate. And in the past few years my decorations have been stuck in storage. I'm antsy to put out my stuff, but the time is just not quite right. I just hope I can get Dexter is something Halloweenish or I'll really feel like a Halloween disappointment!
Love your blog!
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