Saturday, March 10, 2012

Did you know?

I logged on to my Pinterest account this morning and while browsing around for some inspiration I saw this...

I was curious, but at the time my desire to see images that evoked happiness and creativity was stronger. After finishing on pinterest I decided it was time to catch up on some of my favorite blogs. That's when I saw Kristin's post and the same image I saw earlier on Pinterest.
I don't know about you but I can barely afford to pay my OWN bills let alone anyone else's.

Are you curious? Did you know?

Stop by My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia  to find out what I'm talking about. And while your there, check out some of Kristin's past posts. She's got a great sense of style and eye for decor.


P.S. Stop back by here tomorrow- I am finally doing my Sidewalk Sunday post that should've happened last weekend. And the best part? This one will be x's 2! You won't want to miss it. Promise!

1 comment:

Renée Finberg said...

crack me up.
i just did a nasty post on the ever annoying pinterest.

i deleted my whole deal over there.
i was fine before it
and i am fine without it.

raspberries to them!!!

xxx renee