If you've been following along- your well aware of my Tracy Porter obsession. It's bad. Let's just say that it's a good thing I can't afford to fly to Wisconsin.
Anyhow, these dishes above are her Katsina line and cost $58.00 for a set of four. Now if you'd have asked me 2 years ago if I'd spend $60.00 on 4 plates? I would of said "Sure" without a doubt. Sadly my financial situation isn't what it was and spending that much for 4 plates just isn't going to happen. But I look and I dream and I look some more.
Well imagine my surprise when I stumbled across these babies at Ross!?!
$15.00 for a set of four!?! Ya they aren't Tracy Porter but their close right? I saved so much I went ahead and splurge on a set of bowls too. They were a total of $10.00. I think she'd approve. ;)
Now let's just hope I don't get Cancer from the possibility that lead paint was used during the making of these!
You're funny!
Those are a great match. I hate to tell you this but I have never heard of Tracy Porter..until you and your cute blog. I will offically find her website to see what all the fuss is about. :)
Omigosh, those are soooo beautiful!! Very close! I love the look and the style!!! NICE FIND!
Angie...those are great!!! I had to scroll up and look at the Katsina plate to be sure!! I might check my Ross for some. Last year I was able to find 4 of Tracy's Lemon Chiffon mugs at Marshalls jfor 4.00 each...not my fave pattern, but they are Tracy's!!! Great job!
Those are beautiful!!! Love the color and good luck with the lead ;)
WOW! What a find!
I actually like the ones you found better!
Super cute!
LOL you did good, girl! I love Ross! I just don't like the customers at Ross because they are pushy. They push me. Who would push a short person like me? So rude.
Angie! Well done! I love that you made due with a substitute and you got them for a great price! What a financially responsible decision! :)
I think T.P. would approve for sure!!!!
You crack me up about the lead!
Beautiful! And hey...I live in Wisconsin, so if you ever need me to make a run on your behalf, I'm in! ;)
very,very beautiful indeed!!
Those dishes are beautiful! :) And certainly the price was right!
I have to tell you ...I have several friends who are HUGE TP fans like us...and they popped in to look at your plates, and they were all so impressed, and LOVED yours!!!!
They are beautiful - a great find and the price? Love them.
Love those!!!
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